Friday 20 January 2012

Drunk and lonely on the Great Plains

Four days off and nothing to do.

I thought a picture of a truck might cheer you up, but it didn't, did it?

Monday 7 November 2011

seasons change

fall roads

winter roads



evening (sour gas flare)

Friday 4 November 2011

money for nothing

Many of the world leaders met in Cannes this week to discuss the most important problem in the world, global economic meltdown. Nothing was accomplished at all.
The great leaders couldn't even agree on how to kick the can down the road. They tried blaming each other and putting the onus for correction on people that weren't to blame in the first place. They tried everything but admitting failure. None wanted to admit the Euro won't work.

High ideals mixed with good intentions, implemented by governments is a recipe for certain doom. Greed, quests for power (or more likely just re-election), corruption, national pride, sex-drive and stupidity all play bigger roles with this current bunch of idiots. None of them take any responsibility for getting us in this mess but all concur austerity, cutbacks and higher taxes on the poor are the long term solution. If this theory was correct there would have been proof and a simple formula would show how to alleviate sovereign debt. It seems more likely that spending less than income would be more rational. Too simple, I know, but eliminating current deficits seems impossible. Surely there should be a point where logic or reason could be applied if they can't use arithmetic.

Friday 14 October 2011

The Cat in The Hat

My room-mate is gone north for a few days and I'm in a city where I don't know one person by name and no one knows me. I called a person I know in another town to make sure I was real. Quite a relief when she recognised my voice.

Many people in bigger cities are going down-town to occupy parks and centres to complain about the disparity between the rich and the poor. Let them eat cake, eh? The rich don't understand why people who insist on being poor want to complain, when nobody they know complains about being rich, or whatever. I guess if you complain about your lot in life you must be some kind of nut-bar. Guillotines are so far in the past nobody is scared any-more. People living in mansions are untouchable and have short memories.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Haunting the prairies

So it seems I'm out of the bush and across the great plains again.
Nothing here seems to have changed much at all, but I don't recognise myself any-more. When I look into the rear view mirror I can see the road behind and the small town that I just went through but when I try to look back through time everything has changed so much I lose grip on reality. People are changed by time more than the landscape, which wasn't obvious (to me) until just now. Landscapes or people you are not familiar with can change and it makes no difference but the ones close to you can change a little and cause you to re-examine yourself. Maybe these little changes will make you wonder if what you thought before was ever real. Paradigms shift.

Saturday 24 September 2011

how many universes are there?

How many universes are there? Only two that I'm sure of right now. If you know of more or the exact number that is what the comment button is for. There is likely two of each two universes, with two  being on each side of a Big Bang. These universes are the fuel time uses to keep going. Big Bangs are the power stroke. I just think there are two bangs so it would all stay in balance. The problem with that other theory was that it only had one bang caused by a (indescribable?) singularity and had no time before it. Seems rather unlikely, eh? Time must be a constant, or the constant, right? The bang you hear is when a universe goes through a black hole. Timing is everything. As one universe goes into one black hole one comes out of the other black hole. Always accelerating slightly is why time seems to be going faster. Expanding  as it comes out of the hole with the one in front of it condensing as it nears the other hole and the same on the other side. This way time can go on forever in one big circle. We have to be in each expanding universe to observe it and apply some sort of measurement or none of it would exist. When we finish measuring our universe it will start condensing to go back in the hole and we will really be finished.

Saturday 16 April 2011

every day turns into night

One day long ago while traveling across the Great Plains I somehow fell into the Twilight Zone and I can't get out. Any help would be appreciated. I've been wondering who am I, what the hell am I doing here and why am I so alone. Why have I always worked so hard to remain honest in my dealings with others? I mean, it gets me nowhere and has never been appreciated and rarely even recognized. Following the golden rule has only gotten me lost. Would I be better off somewhere else? I rather doubt geography has anything to do with the twilight zone. I have become a living ghost haunting various times and places from my past. I am alive but no-one can see me. I don't have any answers.